Over the last decade the
berry has become popular in the coastal cities of Brazil, and açai
smoothies are now central to Brazilian beach culture. In particular, the
berry is eaten by fitness enthusiasts and athletes for its energising
and detoxifying properties. Before long, Brazilians were exporting açai
either as a frozen pulp or dried.
With high levels of
antioxidants and cholesterol-fighting fatty acids, the Amazonian açai
berry has been hailed as the new 'superfood'. Manufacturers are adding
açai to food and drinks as part of a growing trend towards healthier
Açai is a rich source of a
class of polyphenolic flavonoids called anthocyanins, which are the same
antioxidants that give wine its health benefits. Antioxidants are needed
by the body to quench free radicals, whose oxidative damage contributes
to ageing and degenerative diseases. The body's free radical defence
system comprises several endogenous antioxidant enzymes as well as
exogenous antioxidant nutrients obtained through diet.
The phytochemical and
nutrient compositions of a standardized freeze-dried açai powder were
examined in a study at Natural and Medicinal Products Research at
Washington. Among many findings, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and
other flavonoids were found to be the major phytochemicals. Five
anthocyanins were identified as predominant and minor anthocyanins. The
total content of anthocyanins was measured as 3.1919mg/g dry weight.
Polymers were found to be
the major proanthocyanidins. The concentration of total
proanthocyanidins was calculated as 12.89mg/g dry weight. Other
flavonoids, namely, homoorientin, orientin, isovitexin, scoparin, and
taxifolin deoxyhexose, along with several unknown flavonoids, were also
detected. Resveratrol was also found in açai but at a very low
In addition, components
including fatty acids, amino acids, sterols and other nutrients were
analysed and quantified. Total polyunsaturated fatty acid, total
monounsaturated fatty acid, and total saturated fatty acids contributed
11.1%, 60.2%, and 28.7% of
total fatty acid. Oleic acid (53.9%) and palmitic acid (26.7%) were
found to be the two dominant fatty acids.
Açai contains one of the
highest contents known for oleic acid in the pulp of a fruit. Also found
in olive oil, oleic acid may be responsible for the hypotensive (blood
pressure-reducing) effects. This is particularly useful for individuals
with high blood pressure. Hence açai can be used to support healthy
cardiovascular system.
In addition, nineteen
amino acids were found and the total amino acid content was determined
to be 7.59% of total weight. Amino acids are building blocks of protein
and are important parts of nutrition. They are critical to life and have
a variety of roles in metabolism such as muscle building.
The total sterols
accounted for 0.048% by weight of powder and three sterols (B-sitosterol,
campesterol, and sigmasterol) were identified. These sterols can help
the body prevent absorption of cholesterol.
A study at the University
of Florida, published in 2006 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry, showed that extracts from açai berries triggered a
self-destruct response in up to 86% of human leukaemia cells tested in
vitro. The study demonstrated that açai offers a rich source of
bioactive polyphenolics.
In another in vitro study
published in 2008, Pacheco-Palencia et al investigated the absorption
and anti-proliferative effects of phytochemical açai extracts in human
colon adenocarcinoma cells. Polyphenolic mixtures from açai extracts
inhibited cell proliferation by up to 90.7%, which was accompanied by an
increase of up to 2.1-fold in reactive oxygen species. The results
support the bioactive properties of açai polyphenolics on their
composition and cellular absorption.
Both previous studies are
in vitro studies of açai polyphenolics. Late 2008, a clinical study was
conducted to examine the pharmacokinetics of anthocyanins and
antioxidant effects of anthocyanin-rich açai juice and pulp in human
healthy volunteers. Individual increases in plasma antioxidant capacity
of up to 2.3-and 3-fold for açai juice and pulp, respectively were
observed. This finding from human consumption trial is important as it
demonstrates that the anthocyanins in açai can be absorbed in human
plasma and its antioxidant effects can be noticed.
In Canada, similar results
were obtained from in vitro and in vivo studies on antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory capacities of açai. It was found that the antioxidants
in the açai penetrated and protected cells from oxidative damage and
reduced formation of reactive oxygen species. In addition, an increase
in serum antioxidants was observed after 1-hour consuming açai and an
inhibition of lipid peroxidation was noticed after 2 hours of consuming
Oxygen Radical Absorbance
Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities of
different foods. It was developed by the scientists at the National
Institute on Aging in the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda,
Maryland. Correlation between the high antioxidant capacity of fruits
and vegetables, and the positive impact of diets high in fruits and
vegetables, is believed to play an important role in the free-radical
theory of aging.
Schauss A.G. et al
examined the antioxidant capacities of freeze-dried açai powder using
ORAC assays with various free radical sources. It was found to have
exceptional activity against superoxide in the superoxide-scavenging
(SOD) assay, the highest of any food reported to date against the
peroxyl radical as measured by the ORAC assay with fluorescein as the
fluorescent probe (ORACFL). The SOD of açai was 1614 units/g, an
extremely high scavenging capacity for O2*-, by far the highest of any
fruit or vegetable tested to date.
Furthermore, other
bioactivities related to anti-inflammation and immune functions were
also investigated. Açai was found to be a potential cyclooxygenase
(COX)-1 and COX-2 inhibitor. COX-2 selective inhibitor is a form of
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that directly targets
COX-2, an enzyme responsible for inflammation and pain. Therefore, açai
may be suggested for use as an anti-inflammatory in diseases such as
summary, açai berries are high in antioxidants that protect the body
against free radical damage. The antioxidant compounds in açai are able
to enter human cells in a fully functional form and perform free radical
scavenging actions in human plasma. Açai has been valued as a superfood
that contains significant amounts of nutrients and supports the
normalisation of health and well being.