After you complete your order, you will receive a
computer generated receipt of your order by email.
After your order has been shipped, you will be
emailed again with confirmation of this. If you
don't get a reply within a day, please email us
because you might have sent us an email address with
a typing error in it or your provider has been
There are 3 payment
methods we provided that cover both on-line or off
line payment
Credit card
Visa/Master/ American
Express/ Credit Card - via Online
Payment Gateway
you have the total price for your order in US
Dollars please press the PayPal Button below
After you have paid
for your order by PayPal please send us an email
confirming the product you have ordered, how much
you paid and your name, address and phone number.
This is important.
Offline Payment
accepts Offline Payment instead of the online credit
card payment. Using this method, customer can
directly deposit cash, Telegraphic Transfer (TT), internet online
banking service to transfer the amount to our
provided bank account. Once you complete the
payment, please fax +64 9 4766396 or Email
( us the Deposit Slip with
Order Number marked, or mail to
New Zealand Green
Health Ltd
89 Penguin Drive
Murrays Bay
Auckland 0630
New Zealand
Account Detail: |
New Zealand Green Health Ltd,
The National Bank, New Lynn
Branch, |
3029 Great
North Road |
Auckland New Zealand.
Account Number:
060284013906225 |
Swift Address: ANZBNZ22 |