Green Health
Barley Grass Hordeum vulgare is high in chlorophyll and contains
a wide range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and
antioxidants; as well as being a rich source of fibre. This
provides a nutrient rich food for sports perple, dieters and
others who need more energy. |
Avoid heating as
this will destroy the nutrients.
Barley grass, (Hordeum vulgare) is one of the well-known
green grasses that are considered to be the most nutritious. The
true nutritional benefits are found in the young grass leaves.
These leaves are harvested and processed into the final product.
The leaves contain many of the vitamins, minerals, and proteins
necessary for the human diet. Barley grass is considered a whole
food concentrate that is close to its natural state supplying
the nutrients we require in a natural proportion. The colour
reflects the abundance of chlorophyll and the similarity to
other dark leafy vegetables.
Eighteen amino acids are found in barley grass. All 8 of the
essential amino acids are found in Barley grass. Amino acids are
the building blocks of proteins, which are the major
constituents of our body and are necessary for the continual
cell building, cell regeneration and energy production that are
necessary for life. There are high amounts of vitamins and
minerals in barley grass leaves. The vitamins found in Barley
grass include beta-carotene, folic acid, pantothenic acid,
vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. The minerals
include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus,
manganese and zinc. There are many important enzymes found in
Barley grass including the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and the new antioxidant 2”-O-glucosylisovitexin
(2”-O-GIV). 2”-O-GIV has been isolated and reported to have
antioxidant activity equal to or superior to vitamin E. Barley
grass is also rich in chlorophyll content.
Barley grass is a whole food providing many essential nutrients
that act synergistically together optimising bodily functions.
Chlorophyll and other essential nutrients act synergistically in
barley grass to detoxify the body from destructive toxins such
as heavy metals and pollutants that we digest every day.
Chlorophyll also has anti-inflammatory properties. Barley grass
can be easily absorbed throughout the digestive tract, giving
our body access to vital nutrients. Many of the vitamins,
minerals and enzymes present in Barley grass act as powerful
antioxidants protecting our body from free radical damage,
enhancing our immune system and improving cardiovascular health.
Barley grass is a rich source of dietary fibre which is good for
colon health and regularity. Sports people and others who need
more energy have used barley grass; it provides them with a
nutrient rich food that is also packed with energy. Barley grass
is naturally alkaline and it helps to neutralise excess acidity
in the body when consumed.
Research in Japan and other countries suggest that barley grass
powder can be beneficial in asthma, obesity, skin rejuvenation,
anaemia, arthritis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, diabetes, cellular
damage from x-rays, heart disease and hepatitis. |